layerinfo "type" = "layout"; layerinfo "name" = "Tabula Rasa"; layerinfo redist_uniq = "core2base/layout"; ##=============================== ## Presentation ##=============================== propgroup presentation { property use layout_type; property use num_items_recent; property use num_items_reading; property use use_custom_friend_colors; property use use_shared_pic; property use use_journalstyle_entry_page; property use margins_size; property use margins_unit; property use sidebar_width; property use sidebar_width_doubled; property use medium_breakpoint_width; property use large_breakpoint_width; property use custom_control_strip_colors; property use reverse_sortorder_group; property use reg_firstdayofweek; property use tags_page_type; property use num_items_icons; property use icons_page_sort; property use all_entrysubjects; property use all_commentsubjects; property use entry_datetime_format_group; property use comment_datetime_format_group; property use userpics_style_group; property use userpics_position; property use entry_metadata_position; property use userlite_interaction_links; property use entry_management_links; property use comment_management_links; } set layout_type = "one-column"; set sidebar_width = "15em"; set sidebar_width_doubled = "30em"; set userpics_position = "left"; set use_custom_friend_colors = false; set custom_foreground_element = "userpic_border"; set custom_background_element = "userpic_background"; ##=============================== ## Colors ##=============================== propgroup colors { property use color_page_background; property use color_page_text; property use color_page_link; property use color_page_link_active; property use color_page_link_hover; property use color_page_link_visited; property use color_page_border; property use color_module_background; property use color_module_text; property use color_module_link; property use color_module_link_active; property use color_module_link_hover; property use color_module_link_visited; property use color_module_title_background; property use color_module_title; property use color_module_border; property use color_header_background; property use color_page_title; property use color_footer_background; property use color_footer_link; property use color_footer_link_active; property use color_footer_link_hover; property use color_footer_link_visited; property use color_entry_background; property use color_entry_text; property use color_entry_link; property use color_entry_link_active; property use color_entry_link_hover; property use color_entry_link_visited; property use color_entry_title_background; property use color_entry_title; property use color_entry_interaction_links; property use color_entry_interaction_links_active; property use color_entry_interaction_links_hover; property use color_entry_interaction_links_visited; property use color_entry_border; property use color_comment_title_background; property use color_comment_title; property use control_strip_bgcolor; property use control_strip_fgcolor; property use control_strip_bordercolor; property use control_strip_linkcolor; } ##=============================== ## Fonts ##=============================== propgroup fonts { property use font_base; property use font_fallback; property use font_base_size; property use font_base_units; property use font_module_heading; property use font_module_heading_size; property use font_module_heading_units; property use font_module_text; property use font_module_text_size; property use font_module_text_units; property use font_journal_title; property use font_journal_title_size; property use font_journal_title_units; property use font_journal_subtitle; property use font_journal_subtitle_size; property use font_journal_subtitle_units; property use font_entry_title; property use font_entry_title_size; property use font_entry_title_units; property use font_comment_title; property use font_comment_title_size; property use font_comment_title_units; property use font_sources; } set font_base = ""; set font_fallback = ""; set font_base_size = "100"; set font_base_units = "%"; ##=============================== ## Images ##=============================== propgroup images { property use image_background_page_group; property use image_background_module_group; property use image_background_header_group; property use image_background_header_height; property use image_background_entry_group; } ##=============================== ## Modules ##=============================== propgroup modules { property use module_userprofile_group; property use module_navlinks_group; property use module_calendar_group; property use module_links_group; property use module_syndicate_group; property use module_tags_group; property use module_pagesummary_group; property use module_active_group; property use module_time_group; property use module_poweredby_group; property use module_customtext_group; property use module_credit_group; property use module_search_group; property use module_cuttagcontrols_group; property use module_subscriptionfilters_group; } # Explicitly define what sections the layout has available set module_layout_sections = "none|(none)|one|Main Module Section|two|Secondary Module Section"; ##=============================== ## Text ##=============================== propgroup text { property use text_module_userprofile; property use text_module_links; property use text_module_syndicate; property use text_module_tags; property use text_module_popular_tags; property use text_module_pagesummary; property use text_module_active_entries; property use text_module_customtext; property use text_module_customtext_url; property use text_module_customtext_content; property use text_module_credit; property use text_module_search; property use text_module_cuttagcontrols; property use text_module_subscriptionfilters; property use text_view_recent; property use text_view_archive; property use text_view_friends; property use text_view_friends_comm; property use text_view_network; property use text_view_tags; property use text_view_memories; property use text_view_userinfo; property use text_entry_prev; property use text_entry_next; property use text_edit_entry; property use text_edit_tags; property use text_mem_add; property use text_tell_friend; property use text_watch_comments; property use text_unwatch_comments; property use text_read_comments; property use text_read_comments_friends; property use text_read_comments_screened_visible; property use text_read_comments_screened; property use text_post_comment; property use text_post_comment_friends; property use text_permalink; property use text_meta_location; property use text_meta_mood; property use text_meta_music; property use text_meta_xpost; property use text_tags; property use text_stickyentry_subject; property use text_max_comments; property use text_skiplinks_back; property use text_skiplinks_forward; } ##=============================== ## Custom CSS ##=============================== propgroup customcss { property use external_stylesheet; property use include_default_stylesheet; property use linked_stylesheet; property use custom_css; } function Page::print_default_stylesheet() { var string medium_media_query = generate_medium_media_query(); var string large_media_query = generate_large_media_query(); var string page_background = generate_background_css ($*image_background_page_url, $*image_background_page_repeat, $*image_background_page_position, $*color_page_background); var string header_background = generate_background_css ($*image_background_header_url, $*image_background_header_repeat, $*image_background_header_position, $*color_header_background); if ($*image_background_header_height > 0) { $header_background = """ $header_background height: """ + $*image_background_header_height + """px;"""; } var string footer_background = generate_background_css( "", "", "", $*color_footer_background ); var string footer_link_colors = generate_color_css( $*color_footer_link, new Color, new Color ); var string footer_link_active_colors = generate_color_css( $*color_footer_link_active, new Color, new Color ); var string footer_link_hover_colors = generate_color_css( $*color_footer_link_hover, new Color, new Color ); var string footer_link_visited_colors = generate_color_css( $*color_footer_link_visited, new Color, new Color ); var string entry_background = generate_background_css ($*image_background_entry_url, $*image_background_entry_repeat, $*image_background_entry_position, $*color_entry_background); var string module_background = generate_background_css ($*image_background_module_url, $*image_background_module_repeat, $*image_background_module_position, $*color_module_background); var string page_colors = generate_color_css($*color_page_text, $*color_page_background, $*color_page_border); var string entry_colors = generate_color_css($*color_entry_text, $*color_entry_background, $*color_entry_border); var string module_colors = generate_color_css($*color_module_text, $*color_module_background, $*color_module_border); var string page_title_colors = generate_color_css($*color_page_title, new Color, new Color); var string entry_title_colors = generate_color_css($*color_entry_title, $*color_entry_title_background, new Color); var string comment_title_colors = generate_color_css($*color_comment_title, $*color_comment_title_background, new Color); var string module_title_colors = generate_color_css($*color_module_title, $*color_module_title_background, new Color); var string page_link_colors = generate_color_css($*color_page_link, new Color, new Color); var string page_link_active_colors = generate_color_css($*color_page_link_active, new Color, new Color); var string page_link_hover_colors = generate_color_css($*color_page_link_hover, new Color, new Color); var string page_link_visited_colors = generate_color_css($*color_page_link_visited, new Color, new Color); var string entry_link_colors = generate_color_css($*color_entry_link, new Color, new Color); var string entry_link_active_colors = generate_color_css($*color_entry_link_active, new Color, new Color); var string entry_link_hover_colors = generate_color_css($*color_entry_link_hover, new Color, new Color); var string entry_link_visited_colors = generate_color_css($*color_entry_link_visited, new Color, new Color); var string entry_interaction_link_colors = generate_color_css($*color_entry_interaction_links, new Color, new Color); var string entry_interaction_link_active_colors = generate_color_css($*color_entry_interaction_links_active, new Color, new Color); var string entry_interaction_link_hover_colors = generate_color_css($*color_entry_interaction_links_hover, new Color, new Color); var string entry_interaction_link_visited_colors = generate_color_css($*color_entry_interaction_links_visited, new Color, new Color); var string module_link_colors = generate_color_css($*color_module_link, new Color, new Color); var string module_link_active_colors = generate_color_css($*color_module_link_active, new Color, new Color); var string module_link_hover_colors = generate_color_css($*color_module_link_hover, new Color, new Color); var string module_link_visited_colors = generate_color_css($*color_module_link_visited, new Color, new Color); var string page_font = generate_font_css("", $*font_base, $*font_fallback, $*font_base_size, $*font_base_units); var string page_title_font = generate_font_css($*font_journal_title, $*font_base, $*font_fallback, $*font_journal_title_size, $*font_journal_title_units); var string page_subtitle_font = generate_font_css($*font_journal_subtitle, $*font_base, $*font_fallback, $*font_journal_subtitle_size, $*font_journal_subtitle_units); var string entry_title_font = generate_font_css($*font_entry_title, $*font_base, $*font_fallback, $*font_entry_title_size, $*font_entry_title_units); var string comment_title_font = generate_font_css($*font_comment_title, $*font_base, $*font_fallback, $*font_comment_title_size, $*font_comment_title_units); var string module_font = generate_font_css($*font_module_text, $*font_base, $*font_fallback, $*font_module_text_size, $*font_module_text_units); var string module_title_font = generate_font_css($*font_module_heading, $*font_base, $*font_fallback, $*font_module_heading_size, $*font_module_heading_units); var string userpic_css = ""; if ($*userpics_position == "right") { $userpic_css = """ .entry .userpic, .comment .userpic { text-align: right; } """; } print_custom_control_strip_css(); """ H1, H2, H3 { margin: .25em 0; padding: .25em 0; } img { border: none; } hr { display: none; } .entry-content hr, .comment-content hr { display: block; margin: 1em 10%; } body { $page_font padding: 0; $page_background $page_colors } html body { margin-left: $*margins_size$*margins_unit; margin-right: $*margins_size$*margins_unit; } a { $page_link_colors } a:visited { $page_link_visited_colors } a:hover { $page_link_hover_colors } a:active { $page_link_active_colors } q { font-style: italic; } /* #content layout */ #content { float: none; } @media $medium_media_query { .two-columns-left #content, .three-columns-sides #content { border-left: $*sidebar_width solid transparent; } .two-columns-right #content, .three-columns-sides #content { border-right: $*sidebar_width solid transparent; } .three-columns-left #content { border-left: $*sidebar_width_doubled solid transparent; } .three-columns-right #content { border-right: $*sidebar_width_doubled solid transparent; } .column-right #content { min-width: $*sidebar_width; /* prevents sidebar overlap of entry, when entry becomes narrower than sidebar */ } } #content-footer { height: 0; font-size: 0; /*to make IE happy*/ clear: both; } #header, #footer { margin: 0; clear: both; padding: .5em; } #header { $header_background $page_title_colors } h1#title { $page_title_font } h2#subtitle, h2#pagetitle { $page_subtitle_font } #footer { $footer_background } #footer a { $footer_link_colors } #footer a:visited { $footer_link_visited_colors } #footer a:hover { $footer_link_hover_colors } #footer a:active { $footer_link_active_colors } #primary { width:100%; margin-right:-100%; margin-left: 0; } #primary > .inner:first-child, #secondary > .inner:first-child, #tertiary > .inner:first-child { padding: 1em; } /* modules layout */ #primary { float: none; } #secondary, #tertiary { width: 100%; } @media $medium_media_query { .multiple-columns #primary { float: left; } .two-columns-left #secondary, .three-columns-sides #secondary { float: left; width: $*sidebar_width; margin-left: -$*sidebar_width; } .two-columns-right #secondary { float: right; width: $*sidebar_width; margin-right: -$*sidebar_width; } .three-columns-left #secondary { float: left; width: $*sidebar_width; margin-left: -$*sidebar_width_doubled; } .three-columns-right #secondary { float: right; width: $*sidebar_width; margin-right: -$*sidebar_width; } .two-columns #tertiary { clear: both; width: auto; } .two-columns-left #tertiary { margin-left: -$*sidebar_width; } .two-columns-right #tertiary { margin-right: -$*sidebar_width; } .two-columns #tertiary .module { float: left; width: $*sidebar_width; } .three-columns-left #tertiary { float: left; width: $*sidebar_width; margin-left: -$*sidebar_width; } .three-columns-right #tertiary { float: right; width: $*sidebar_width; margin-right: -$*sidebar_width_doubled; margin-left: $*sidebar_width; /* so that #tertiary won't overlay #secondary in IE7 */ } .three-columns-sides #tertiary { float: right; width: $*sidebar_width; margin-right: -$*sidebar_width; } } .navigation ul { margin-left: 0; padding-left: 0; } .navigation li { display: inline; padding: 0 .5em; } .noentries { padding: 0 .5em; } /* entries */ .entry { $entry_background $entry_colors } .entry .entry-title { $entry_title_font } .entry .entry-title, .entry .entry-title a { $entry_title_colors } .no-subject .entry .entry-title { background: none; border: none; } .entry a { $entry_link_colors } .entry a:visited { $entry_link_visited_colors } .entry a:hover { $entry_link_hover_colors } .entry a:active { $entry_link_active_colors } /* ensure comment content stretches out horizontally so it's readable */ .comment-content:before { content: ""; display: block; overflow: hidden; width: 10em; } .comment-content { border-top: 1px transparent solid; } /* for firefox */ /* To prevent overlapping when icon's on the left */ /* and list is the first thing in content */ .entry-content li, .comment-content li { list-style-position: inside; } /* To constrain the width and prevent layout breaking */ .entry-content img, .comment-content img { max-width: 100%; height: auto; } @media $large_media_query { .entry-content img, .comment-content img { max-width: none; } } .metadata ul { display: inline; list-style: none; margin-left: .5em; padding-left: 0; } .metadata li { margin-bottom: .5em; } ul { margin: 0; } { margin-bottom: 1em; } .tag ul { display: inline; margin-left: 0; padding-left: 0; } .tag ul li { display: inline; } /* same for month view */ ul.entry-management-links { margin-left: 0; padding-left: 0; } ul.entry-management-links li { display: inline; padding: 0 .25em; } ul.entry-interaction-links { margin-left: 0; padding-left: 0; text-align: right; } .entry-interaction-links a, .entry-management-links a { $entry_interaction_link_colors } .entry-interaction-links a:visited, .entry-management-links a:visited { $entry_interaction_link_visited_colors } .entry-interaction-links a:hover, .entry-management-links a:hover { $entry_interaction_link_hover_colors } .entry-interaction-links a:active, .entry-management-links a:active { $entry_interaction_link_active_colors } ul.entry-interaction-links li { display: inline; padding: 0 .25em; } /* comments */ .comment-posted {font-weight:bold;} .comment-wrapper { padding: .5em 0; min-width: 15em; } .comment .comment-title { $comment_title_font margin: 0; } .comment .comment-title, .comment .comment-title a { $comment_title_colors } .no-subject .comment .comment-title { background: none; border: none; } ul.comment-management-links { margin-left: 0; padding-left: 0; text-align: right; } ul.comment-management-links li { display: inline; padding: 0 .25em; } ul.comment-interaction-links { margin-left: 0; padding-left: 0; } ul.comment-interaction-links li { display: inline; padding: 0 .25em; } textarea#commenttext { width: 100%; /* fix for FF form width glitch */ } /* archive */ table.month { margin: 0 auto; border-collapse: collapse; } table.month td { height: 3.25em; } table.month td, table.month th { border: 1px solid; /* ? */ padding: 3px; } table.month td p { margin: 0; padding: 3px; } .month dl dt { font-weight: bold; } .month dl .time { padding-right: .5em; } .month dl h3 { display: inline; font-size: medium; } .page-month .month .entry-poster { margin-right: .5em; } .month dl .tag ul { margin-top: 0; } /* icons */ .sorting-options ul { margin-left: 0; } .sorting-options ul li { display: inline; } .icon-keywords ul { display: inline; margin-left: 0; padding-left: 0; } .icon-keywords ul li { display: inline; } /* modules */ .module { $module_background $module_colors } .module a { $module_link_colors } .module a:visited { $module_link_visited_colors } .module a:hover { $module_link_hover_colors } .module a:active { $module_link_active_colors } .module h2 { $module_title_colors $module_title_font } .module-content { $module_font } .module-content ul { list-style: outside; margin-left: 1em; padding-left: 0; } .module-content li { margin: .5em 0; } ul.userlite-interaction-links.icon-links { margin-left: 0; padding-left: 0; } ul.userlite-interaction-links.icon-links li { display: inline; padding: 0 .20em; } ul.userlite-interaction-links.text-links { text-align: left; } .any-column .module-calendar table { margin: 0; } .module-calendar .module-content { text-align: left; } @media $medium_media_query { .multiple-columns .module-calendar .module-content { text-align: center; } .multiple-columns .module-calendar table { margin: 0 auto; } .multiple-columns .module-syndicate .module-content { text-align: center; } } .module-calendar td { padding: 1px; } .module-calendar td a { display: block; padding: 2px; } .search-box { margin: .2em auto; max-width: 100%; } .search-form .search-box-item, .search-form .search-button-item { display: block } .search-form .comment_search_checkbox_item { display: inline } /* wrap long content, particularly openid usernames */ .module-pagesummary .ljuser { white-space: normal !important; } .module-pagesummary .module-content { word-wrap: break-word; } .module-credit .category-title { font-weight: bold; } .tags_cloud li, .module-tags_cloud li { display: inline; } $userpic_css """; } layerinfo type = "layout"; layerinfo name = "Fluid Measure"; layerinfo des = "Inspired by the WordPress theme Ahimsa, by Ravi Sarma"; layerinfo redist_uniq = "fluidmeasure/layout"; layerinfo author_name = "branchandroot"; layerinfo lang = "en"; set layout_authors = [ { "name" => "branchandroot", "type" => "user" } ]; ##=============================== ## Presentation ##=============================== set layout_type = "two-columns-right"; property string margins_size { noui = 1; } property string margins_unit { noui = 1; } set userpics_position = "right"; set all_commentsubjects = true; ##=============================== ## Colors ##=============================== propgroup colors_child { property use color_page_details_text; } set color_page_details_text = "#999"; ##=============================== ## Fonts ##=============================== set font_base = "Verdana, Helvetica"; set font_fallback = "sans-serif"; function print_module_navlinks() { var Page p = get_page(); var string title = "Navigation"; open_module("navlinks", "$title", ""); var string[] links = []; foreach var string k ($p.views_order) { var string css = """ class="$k" """; if ($p.view == $k) { $css = """ class="current $k" """; } $links[size $links] = """"""+lang_viewname($k)+""""""; } print_module_list($links); close_module(); } function Page::print() "The meat of each new layout. Describes how each page will look. In nearly all cases, the logic and decision-making processes should come from pre-existing functions in core2, and should not get written here. If you limit the structure of the page to HTML, function calls, and attached CSS, then you will be able to pick up all of the enhancements and accessibility requirements managed by core2." { """\n\n\n"""; $this->print_meta_tags(); $this->print_head(); $this->print_stylesheets(); $this->print_head_title(); """ """; $this->print_wrapper_start(); $this->print_control_strip(); """
"""; if ($*layout_type == "one-column-split") { """
"""; $this->print_module_section("one"); """
"""; } """
"""; $this->print_body(); """
"""; if ($*layout_type != "one-column-split") { """
"""; $this->print_module_section("one"); """
"""; } """
"""; $this->print_module_section("two"); """
"""; """
"""; $this->print_wrapper_end(); """"""; } function print_stylesheet() { var string medium_media_query = generate_medium_media_query(); var string entry_title_font = generate_font_css($*font_entry_title, $*font_base, $*font_fallback, $*font_entry_title_size, $*font_entry_title_units); var string userpic_css = ""; if ($*userpics_position == "left") { $userpic_css = """ .has-userpic .entry .contents .userpic { float: left; } .has-userpic .comment .contents .userpic { float: left; margin: .5em .5em .5em 0; } .has-userpic .entry .contents .entry-poster { clear: right; /* Fixes display bug in Chrome. Keeps username below entry title. */ } """; } elseif ($*userpics_position == "right") { $userpic_css = """ .has-userpic .entry .contents .userpic { float: right; } .has-userpic .comment .contents .userpic { float: right; margin: .5em 0 .5em .5em; } .has-userpic .entry .contents .entry-poster { clear: left; /* Fixes display bug in Chrome. Keeps username below entry title. */ } """; } """ /* Fluid Measure */ blockquote { margin: 0 1em 1em 1em; padding: .5em; background-color: $*color_entry_border; border-radius: 1em; } dl dt { font-weight: bold; } ul { } a { color: $*color_page_link; } a:visited { color: $*color_page_link_visited; } a:hover {text-decoration: none; } body { margin: 0; border: none; } H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 { font-weight: normal; font-style: italic;} #top-color { position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: -1; width: 100%; height: 25em; background-color: $*color_module_border; border-bottom: .5em solid $*color_page_title; } #lj_controlstrip { z-index: 200 !important;} #title a { color: $*color_page_title; text-decoration: none; } #canvas { background-color: $*color_entry_title_background; padding: 1px;} #canvas > .inner:first-child { margin: 2em 4% 0 4%; position: relative; z-index: 100; float: left; width: 92%; /*asinine IE7 hack to keep left sidebar from sliding under #primary when #canvas is relative*/ } #content { background-color: $*color_page_background; position: relative; z-index: 120;} #content-footer { clear: both; } #content-footer { height: 0; font-size: 0; } /* IE clearing fix */ /*to make the bottom curves */ .any-column #content { border-bottom-color: transparent; border-bottom-left-radius: 1em; border-bottom-right-radius: 1em; } @media $medium_media_query { .two-columns-left #content, .three-columns-sides #content { border-left: $*sidebar_width solid $*color_page_border; } .two-columns-right #content, .three-columns-sides #content { border-right: $*sidebar_width solid $*color_page_border; } .three-columns-left #content { border-left: $*sidebar_width_doubled solid $*color_page_border; } .three-columns-right #content { border-right: $*sidebar_width_doubled solid $*color_page_border; } .three-columns #content { border-bottom-left-radius: 0; border-bottom-right-radius: 0; } .three-columns-sides #color-footer, .three-columns-left #color-footer, .three-columns-right #color-footer { background-color: $*color_page_border; margin: 0 4%; border: 1em solid $*color_page_border; border-bottom-left-radius: 1em; border-bottom-right-radius: 1em; clear: both; } } /* header */ #header { padding: .5em 1em; background-color: $*color_header_background; color: $*color_page_title; border-top-left-radius: 1em; border-top-right-radius: 1em; position: relative; z-index: 130; } #pagetitle { } /* main column */ #primary > .inner:first-child { padding: 2em; } .navigation { text-align: right; clear: both; } .navigation ul { margin: 0; padding: .25em; display: inline; } .navigation li, .noentries { background-color: $*color_entry_title_background; color: $*color_entry_title; padding: .5em; border-radius: 1em; } .navigation .page-forward { margin-left: 1em; } .navigation a { color: $*color_entry_title; } .navigation .page-separator { display: none; } .page-read .navigation.empty ul { display: block; } .page-read .navigation.empty ul li { display: block; } /* entries */ .entry-wrapper { margin-top: 2em; position: relative; float: left; width: 100%; 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