layerinfo "type" = "layout"; layerinfo "name" = "Tabula Rasa"; layerinfo redist_uniq = "core2base/layout"; ##=============================== ## Presentation ##=============================== propgroup presentation { property use layout_type; property use num_items_recent; property use num_items_reading; property use use_custom_friend_colors; property use use_shared_pic; property use use_journalstyle_entry_page; property use margins_size; property use margins_unit; property use sidebar_width; property use sidebar_width_doubled; property use medium_breakpoint_width; property use large_breakpoint_width; property use custom_control_strip_colors; property use reverse_sortorder_group; property use reg_firstdayofweek; property use tags_page_type; property use num_items_icons; property use icons_page_sort; property use all_entrysubjects; property use all_commentsubjects; property use entry_datetime_format_group; property use comment_datetime_format_group; property use userpics_style_group; property use userpics_position; property use entry_metadata_position; property use userlite_interaction_links; property use entry_management_links; property use comment_management_links; } set layout_type = "one-column"; set sidebar_width = "15em"; set sidebar_width_doubled = "30em"; set userpics_position = "left"; set use_custom_friend_colors = false; set custom_foreground_element = "userpic_border"; set custom_background_element = "userpic_background"; ##=============================== ## Colors ##=============================== propgroup colors { property use color_page_background; property use color_page_text; property use color_page_link; property use color_page_link_active; property use color_page_link_hover; property use color_page_link_visited; property use color_page_border; property use color_module_background; property use color_module_text; property use color_module_link; property use color_module_link_active; property use color_module_link_hover; property use color_module_link_visited; property use color_module_title_background; property use color_module_title; property use color_module_border; property use color_header_background; property use color_page_title; property use color_footer_background; property use color_footer_link; property use color_footer_link_active; property use color_footer_link_hover; property use color_footer_link_visited; property use color_entry_background; property use color_entry_text; property use color_entry_link; property use color_entry_link_active; property use color_entry_link_hover; property use color_entry_link_visited; property use color_entry_title_background; property use color_entry_title; property use color_entry_interaction_links; property use color_entry_interaction_links_active; property use color_entry_interaction_links_hover; property use color_entry_interaction_links_visited; property use color_entry_border; property use color_comment_title_background; property use color_comment_title; property use control_strip_bgcolor; property use control_strip_fgcolor; property use control_strip_bordercolor; property use control_strip_linkcolor; } ##=============================== ## Fonts ##=============================== propgroup fonts { property use font_base; property use font_fallback; property use font_base_size; property use font_base_units; property use font_module_heading; property use font_module_heading_size; property use font_module_heading_units; property use font_module_text; property use font_module_text_size; property use font_module_text_units; property use font_journal_title; property use font_journal_title_size; property use font_journal_title_units; property use font_journal_subtitle; property use font_journal_subtitle_size; property use font_journal_subtitle_units; property use font_entry_title; property use font_entry_title_size; property use font_entry_title_units; property use font_comment_title; property use font_comment_title_size; property use font_comment_title_units; property use font_sources; } set font_base = ""; set font_fallback = ""; set font_base_size = "100"; set font_base_units = "%"; ##=============================== ## Images ##=============================== propgroup images { property use image_background_page_group; property use image_background_module_group; property use image_background_header_group; property use image_background_header_height; property use image_background_entry_group; } ##=============================== ## Modules ##=============================== propgroup modules { property use module_userprofile_group; property use module_navlinks_group; property use module_calendar_group; property use module_links_group; property use module_syndicate_group; property use module_tags_group; property use module_pagesummary_group; property use module_active_group; property use module_time_group; property use module_poweredby_group; property use module_customtext_group; property use module_credit_group; property use module_search_group; property use module_cuttagcontrols_group; property use module_subscriptionfilters_group; } # Explicitly define what sections the layout has available set module_layout_sections = "none|(none)|one|Main Module Section|two|Secondary Module Section"; ##=============================== ## Text ##=============================== propgroup text { property use text_module_userprofile; property use text_module_links; property use text_module_syndicate; property use text_module_tags; property use text_module_popular_tags; property use text_module_pagesummary; property use text_module_active_entries; property use text_module_customtext; property use text_module_customtext_url; property use text_module_customtext_content; property use text_module_credit; property use text_module_search; property use text_module_cuttagcontrols; property use text_module_subscriptionfilters; property use text_view_recent; property use text_view_archive; property use text_view_friends; property use text_view_friends_comm; property use text_view_network; property use text_view_tags; property use text_view_memories; property use text_view_userinfo; property use text_entry_prev; property use text_entry_next; property use text_edit_entry; property use text_edit_tags; property use text_mem_add; property use text_tell_friend; property use text_watch_comments; property use text_unwatch_comments; property use text_read_comments; property use text_read_comments_friends; property use text_read_comments_screened_visible; property use text_read_comments_screened; property use text_post_comment; property use text_post_comment_friends; property use text_permalink; property use text_meta_location; property use text_meta_mood; property use text_meta_music; property use text_meta_xpost; property use text_tags; property use text_stickyentry_subject; property use text_max_comments; property use text_skiplinks_back; property use text_skiplinks_forward; } ##=============================== ## Custom CSS ##=============================== propgroup customcss { property use external_stylesheet; property use include_default_stylesheet; property use linked_stylesheet; property use custom_css; } function Page::print_default_stylesheet() { var string medium_media_query = generate_medium_media_query(); var string large_media_query = generate_large_media_query(); var string page_background = generate_background_css ($*image_background_page_url, $*image_background_page_repeat, $*image_background_page_position, $*color_page_background); var string header_background = generate_background_css ($*image_background_header_url, $*image_background_header_repeat, $*image_background_header_position, $*color_header_background); if ($*image_background_header_height > 0) { $header_background = """ $header_background height: """ + $*image_background_header_height + """px;"""; } var string footer_background = generate_background_css( "", "", "", $*color_footer_background ); var string footer_link_colors = generate_color_css( $*color_footer_link, new Color, new Color ); var string footer_link_active_colors = generate_color_css( $*color_footer_link_active, new Color, new Color ); var string footer_link_hover_colors = generate_color_css( $*color_footer_link_hover, new Color, new Color ); var string footer_link_visited_colors = generate_color_css( $*color_footer_link_visited, new Color, new Color ); var string entry_background = generate_background_css ($*image_background_entry_url, $*image_background_entry_repeat, $*image_background_entry_position, $*color_entry_background); var string module_background = generate_background_css ($*image_background_module_url, $*image_background_module_repeat, $*image_background_module_position, $*color_module_background); var string page_colors = generate_color_css($*color_page_text, $*color_page_background, $*color_page_border); var string entry_colors = generate_color_css($*color_entry_text, $*color_entry_background, $*color_entry_border); var string module_colors = generate_color_css($*color_module_text, $*color_module_background, $*color_module_border); var string page_title_colors = generate_color_css($*color_page_title, new Color, new Color); var string entry_title_colors = generate_color_css($*color_entry_title, $*color_entry_title_background, new Color); var string comment_title_colors = generate_color_css($*color_comment_title, $*color_comment_title_background, new Color); var string module_title_colors = generate_color_css($*color_module_title, $*color_module_title_background, new Color); var string page_link_colors = generate_color_css($*color_page_link, new Color, new Color); var string page_link_active_colors = generate_color_css($*color_page_link_active, new Color, new Color); var string page_link_hover_colors = generate_color_css($*color_page_link_hover, new Color, new Color); var string page_link_visited_colors = generate_color_css($*color_page_link_visited, new Color, new Color); var string entry_link_colors = generate_color_css($*color_entry_link, new Color, new Color); var string entry_link_active_colors = generate_color_css($*color_entry_link_active, new Color, new Color); var string entry_link_hover_colors = generate_color_css($*color_entry_link_hover, new Color, new Color); var string entry_link_visited_colors = generate_color_css($*color_entry_link_visited, new Color, new Color); var string entry_interaction_link_colors = generate_color_css($*color_entry_interaction_links, new Color, new Color); var string entry_interaction_link_active_colors = generate_color_css($*color_entry_interaction_links_active, new Color, new Color); var string entry_interaction_link_hover_colors = generate_color_css($*color_entry_interaction_links_hover, new Color, new Color); var string entry_interaction_link_visited_colors = generate_color_css($*color_entry_interaction_links_visited, new Color, new Color); var string module_link_colors = generate_color_css($*color_module_link, new Color, new Color); var string module_link_active_colors = generate_color_css($*color_module_link_active, new Color, new Color); var string module_link_hover_colors = generate_color_css($*color_module_link_hover, new Color, new Color); var string module_link_visited_colors = generate_color_css($*color_module_link_visited, new Color, new Color); var string page_font = generate_font_css("", $*font_base, $*font_fallback, $*font_base_size, $*font_base_units); var string page_title_font = generate_font_css($*font_journal_title, $*font_base, $*font_fallback, $*font_journal_title_size, $*font_journal_title_units); var string page_subtitle_font = generate_font_css($*font_journal_subtitle, $*font_base, $*font_fallback, $*font_journal_subtitle_size, $*font_journal_subtitle_units); var string entry_title_font = generate_font_css($*font_entry_title, $*font_base, $*font_fallback, $*font_entry_title_size, $*font_entry_title_units); var string comment_title_font = generate_font_css($*font_comment_title, $*font_base, $*font_fallback, $*font_comment_title_size, $*font_comment_title_units); var string module_font = generate_font_css($*font_module_text, $*font_base, $*font_fallback, $*font_module_text_size, $*font_module_text_units); var string module_title_font = generate_font_css($*font_module_heading, $*font_base, $*font_fallback, $*font_module_heading_size, $*font_module_heading_units); var string userpic_css = ""; if ($*userpics_position == "right") { $userpic_css = """ .entry .userpic, .comment .userpic { text-align: right; } """; } print_custom_control_strip_css(); """ H1, H2, H3 { margin: .25em 0; padding: .25em 0; } img { border: none; } hr { display: none; } .entry-content hr, .comment-content hr { display: block; margin: 1em 10%; } body { $page_font padding: 0; $page_background $page_colors } html body { margin-left: $*margins_size$*margins_unit; margin-right: $*margins_size$*margins_unit; } a { $page_link_colors } a:visited { $page_link_visited_colors } a:hover { $page_link_hover_colors } a:active { $page_link_active_colors } q { font-style: italic; } /* #content layout */ #content { float: none; } @media $medium_media_query { .two-columns-left #content, .three-columns-sides #content { border-left: $*sidebar_width solid transparent; } .two-columns-right #content, .three-columns-sides #content { border-right: $*sidebar_width solid transparent; } .three-columns-left #content { border-left: $*sidebar_width_doubled solid transparent; } .three-columns-right #content { border-right: $*sidebar_width_doubled solid transparent; } .column-right #content { min-width: $*sidebar_width; /* prevents sidebar overlap of entry, when entry becomes narrower than sidebar */ } } #content-footer { height: 0; font-size: 0; /*to make IE happy*/ clear: both; } #header, #footer { margin: 0; clear: both; padding: .5em; } #header { $header_background $page_title_colors } h1#title { $page_title_font } h2#subtitle, h2#pagetitle { $page_subtitle_font } #footer { $footer_background } #footer a { $footer_link_colors } #footer a:visited { $footer_link_visited_colors } #footer a:hover { $footer_link_hover_colors } #footer a:active { $footer_link_active_colors } #primary { width:100%; margin-right:-100%; margin-left: 0; } #primary > .inner:first-child, #secondary > .inner:first-child, #tertiary > .inner:first-child { padding: 1em; } /* modules layout */ #primary { float: none; } #secondary, #tertiary { width: 100%; } @media $medium_media_query { .multiple-columns #primary { float: left; } .two-columns-left #secondary, .three-columns-sides #secondary { float: left; width: $*sidebar_width; margin-left: -$*sidebar_width; } .two-columns-right #secondary { float: right; width: $*sidebar_width; margin-right: -$*sidebar_width; } .three-columns-left #secondary { float: left; width: $*sidebar_width; margin-left: -$*sidebar_width_doubled; } .three-columns-right #secondary { float: right; width: $*sidebar_width; margin-right: -$*sidebar_width; } .two-columns #tertiary { clear: both; width: auto; } .two-columns-left #tertiary { margin-left: -$*sidebar_width; } .two-columns-right #tertiary { margin-right: -$*sidebar_width; } .two-columns #tertiary .module { float: left; width: $*sidebar_width; } .three-columns-left #tertiary { float: left; width: $*sidebar_width; margin-left: -$*sidebar_width; } .three-columns-right #tertiary { float: right; width: $*sidebar_width; margin-right: -$*sidebar_width_doubled; margin-left: $*sidebar_width; /* so that #tertiary won't overlay #secondary in IE7 */ } .three-columns-sides #tertiary { float: right; width: $*sidebar_width; margin-right: -$*sidebar_width; } } .navigation ul { margin-left: 0; padding-left: 0; } .navigation li { display: inline; padding: 0 .5em; } .noentries { padding: 0 .5em; } /* entries */ .entry { $entry_background $entry_colors } .entry .entry-title { $entry_title_font } .entry .entry-title, .entry .entry-title a { $entry_title_colors } .no-subject .entry .entry-title { background: none; border: none; } .entry a { $entry_link_colors } .entry a:visited { $entry_link_visited_colors } .entry a:hover { $entry_link_hover_colors } .entry a:active { $entry_link_active_colors } /* ensure comment content stretches out horizontally so it's readable */ .comment-content:before { content: ""; display: block; overflow: hidden; width: 10em; } .comment-content { border-top: 1px transparent solid; } /* for firefox */ /* To prevent overlapping when icon's on the left */ /* and list is the first thing in content */ .entry-content li, .comment-content li { list-style-position: inside; } /* To constrain the width and prevent layout breaking */ .entry-content img, .comment-content img { max-width: 100%; height: auto; } @media $large_media_query { .entry-content img, .comment-content img { max-width: none; } } .metadata ul { display: inline; list-style: none; margin-left: .5em; padding-left: 0; } .metadata li { margin-bottom: .5em; } ul { margin: 0; } { margin-bottom: 1em; } .tag ul { display: inline; margin-left: 0; padding-left: 0; } .tag ul li { display: inline; } /* same for month view */ ul.entry-management-links { margin-left: 0; padding-left: 0; } ul.entry-management-links li { display: inline; padding: 0 .25em; } ul.entry-interaction-links { margin-left: 0; padding-left: 0; text-align: right; } .entry-interaction-links a, .entry-management-links a { $entry_interaction_link_colors } .entry-interaction-links a:visited, .entry-management-links a:visited { $entry_interaction_link_visited_colors } .entry-interaction-links a:hover, .entry-management-links a:hover { $entry_interaction_link_hover_colors } .entry-interaction-links a:active, .entry-management-links a:active { $entry_interaction_link_active_colors } ul.entry-interaction-links li { display: inline; padding: 0 .25em; } /* comments */ .comment-posted {font-weight:bold;} .comment-wrapper { padding: .5em 0; min-width: 15em; } .comment .comment-title { $comment_title_font margin: 0; } .comment .comment-title, .comment .comment-title a { $comment_title_colors } .no-subject .comment .comment-title { background: none; border: none; } ul.comment-management-links { margin-left: 0; padding-left: 0; text-align: right; } ul.comment-management-links li { display: inline; padding: 0 .25em; } ul.comment-interaction-links { margin-left: 0; padding-left: 0; } ul.comment-interaction-links li { display: inline; padding: 0 .25em; } textarea#commenttext { width: 100%; /* fix for FF form width glitch */ } /* archive */ table.month { margin: 0 auto; border-collapse: collapse; } table.month td { height: 3.25em; } table.month td, table.month th { border: 1px solid; /* ? */ padding: 3px; } table.month td p { margin: 0; padding: 3px; } .month dl dt { font-weight: bold; } .month dl .time { padding-right: .5em; } .month dl h3 { display: inline; font-size: medium; } .page-month .month .entry-poster { margin-right: .5em; } .month dl .tag ul { margin-top: 0; } /* icons */ .sorting-options ul { margin-left: 0; } .sorting-options ul li { display: inline; } .icon-keywords ul { display: inline; margin-left: 0; padding-left: 0; } .icon-keywords ul li { display: inline; } /* modules */ .module { $module_background $module_colors } .module a { $module_link_colors } .module a:visited { $module_link_visited_colors } .module a:hover { $module_link_hover_colors } .module a:active { $module_link_active_colors } .module h2 { $module_title_colors $module_title_font } .module-content { $module_font } .module-content ul { list-style: outside; margin-left: 1em; padding-left: 0; } .module-content li { margin: .5em 0; } ul.userlite-interaction-links.icon-links { margin-left: 0; padding-left: 0; } ul.userlite-interaction-links.icon-links li { display: inline; padding: 0 .20em; } ul.userlite-interaction-links.text-links { text-align: left; } .any-column .module-calendar table { margin: 0; } .module-calendar .module-content { text-align: left; } @media $medium_media_query { .multiple-columns .module-calendar .module-content { text-align: center; } .multiple-columns .module-calendar table { margin: 0 auto; } .multiple-columns .module-syndicate .module-content { text-align: center; } } .module-calendar td { padding: 1px; } .module-calendar td a { display: block; padding: 2px; } .search-box { margin: .2em auto; max-width: 100%; } .search-form .search-box-item, .search-form .search-button-item { display: block } .search-form .comment_search_checkbox_item { display: inline } /* wrap long content, particularly openid usernames */ .module-pagesummary .ljuser { white-space: normal !important; } .module-pagesummary .module-content { word-wrap: break-word; } .module-credit .category-title { font-weight: bold; } .tags_cloud li, .module-tags_cloud li { display: inline; } $userpic_css """; } layerinfo type = "layout"; layerinfo name = "Five AM"; layerinfo redist_uniq = "fiveam/layout"; layerinfo author_name = "winterfish"; layerinfo lang = "en"; set layout_authors = [ { "name" => "winterfish", "type" => "user" } ]; ##=============================== ## Presentation ##=============================== propgroup presentation_child { property string userpics_position { des = "Place of icons in entries"; note = "If displayed, icons will be on the opposite side in comments"; values = "none|None (don't show)|left|Left|right|Right"; } } set layout_type = "two-columns-left"; set sidebar_width = "17em"; set sidebar_width_doubled = "34em"; set userpics_position = "right"; ##=============================== ## Colors ##=============================== propgroup colors_child { property Color color_page_usernames { des = "Page username color"; } property Color color_page_usernames_active { des = "Page active username color"; } property Color color_page_usernames_hover { des = "Page hover username color"; } property Color color_page_usernames_visited { des = "Page visited username color"; } property Color color_header_border { des = "Page header border color"; } property Color color_header_accent { des = "Page header accent color"; } property Color color_footer_border { des = "Page footer border color"; } property use color_entry_interaction_links_background; property use color_entry_interaction_links_hover; property use color_entry_interaction_links_active; property use color_entry_interaction_links_visited; property Color color_comment_interaction_links { des = "Comment interaction links color"; } property Color color_comment_interaction_links_border { des = "Comment interaction links border color"; } property Color color_module_accent { des = "Module accent color"; } property Color color_calendar_background { des = "Calendar background color on days with entries"; } property Color color_calendar_background_hover { des = "Calendar hover background color on days with entries"; } property Color color_calendar_border { des = "Calendar border color"; } property Color color_calendar_link { des = "Calendar link color on days with entries"; } property Color color_calendar_link_active { des = "Calendar active link color on days with entries"; } property Color color_calendar_link_hover { des = "Calendar hover link color on days with entries"; } property Color color_calendar_link_visited { des = "Calendar visited link color on days with entries"; } property Color color_calendar_text { des = "Calendar text color on days with entries"; } property Color color_calendar_text_hover { des = "Calendar hover text color on days with entries"; } } ##=============================== ## Fonts ##=============================== set font_base = "Arial, Verdana, Helvetica"; set font_fallback = "sans-serif"; set font_journal_title = "Calibri"; set font_journal_title_size = "2"; set font_journal_title_units = "em"; set font_journal_subtitle = "Calibri"; set font_journal_subtitle_size = "1.2"; set font_journal_subtitle_units = "em"; set font_entry_title = "Calibri"; set font_entry_title_size = "1.2"; set font_entry_title_units = "em"; set font_comment_title = "Calibri"; set font_comment_title_size = "1.2"; set font_comment_title_units = "em"; set font_module_heading = "Calibri"; set font_module_heading_size = "1.2"; set font_module_heading_units = "em"; ##=============================== ## Images ##=============================== propgroup images_child { property string[] image_blockquote_background_group { des = "Blockquote background image"; grouptype = "image"; } set image_blockquote_background_group = [ "image_blockquote_background_url", "image_blockquote_background_repeat", "image_blockquote_background_position" ]; property string image_blockquote_background_url { grouped = 1; } property string image_blockquote_background_repeat { values = "repeat|tile image|no-repeat|don't tile|repeat-x|tile horizontally|repeat-y|tile vertically"; grouped = 1; } property string image_blockquote_background_position { values = "top left|top left|top center|top center|top right|top right|center left|center left|center center|center|center right|center right|bottom left|bottom left|bottom center|bottom center|bottom right|bottom right"; grouped = 1; allow_other = 1; } } ##=============================== ## Modules ##=============================== property string module_navlinks_section_override { values = "none|(none)|header|Header|one|Main Module Section|two|Secondary Module Section"; grouped = 1; } set grouped_property_override = { "module_navlinks_section" => "module_navlinks_section_override" }; set module_navlinks_section = "header"; ##=============================== ## Layout ##=============================== function Page::print() { """\n\n\n"""; $this->print_meta_tags(); $this->print_head(); $this->print_stylesheets(); $this->print_head_title(); """"""; $this->print_wrapper_start(); $this->print_control_strip(); """
"""; if ($*layout_type == "one-column-split") { """
"""; $this->print_module_section("one"); """
"""; } """
"""; $this->print_body(); """
"""; if ($*layout_type != "one-column-split") { """
"""; $this->print_module_section("one"); """
"""; } """
"""; $this->print_module_section("two"); """
"""; """
"""; $this->print_wrapper_end(); """"""; } ##=============================== ## Stylesheet ##=============================== function print_stylesheet () { var string medium_media_query = generate_medium_media_query(); var string blockquote_background = generate_background_css ($*image_blockquote_background_url, $*image_blockquote_background_repeat, $*image_blockquote_background_position, new Color); var string entry_title_font = generate_font_css($*font_entry_title, $*font_base, $*font_fallback, $*font_entry_title_size, $*font_entry_title_units); var string module_title_font = generate_font_css($*font_module_heading, $*font_base, $*font_fallback, $*font_module_heading_size, $*font_module_heading_units); var string entry_contents_margin = ""; var string entry_userpic_margin = ""; if ( $*entry_userpic_style == "" ) { $entry_contents_margin = "120px"; $entry_userpic_margin = "140px"; } elseif ( $*entry_userpic_style == "small" ) { $entry_contents_margin = "95px"; $entry_userpic_margin = "125px"; 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