layerinfo "type" = "layout"; layerinfo "name" = "Sitescheme views"; layerinfo redist_uniq = "siteviews/layout"; layerinfo is_internal = "1"; class Siteviews { function builtin need_res(string res); function builtin start_capture(); function builtin end_capture() : string; function builtin set_content(string area, string text); } property builtin Siteviews SITEVIEWS { noui = 1; doc_flags = "[sys]"; des = "Instance of the Siteviews class"; } function Page::print() { if ( $*SITEVIEWS ) { $*SITEVIEWS->start_capture(); $this->print_head(); $this->print_default_stylesheet(); $this->print_theme_stylesheet(); $*SITEVIEWS->set_content("head",$*SITEVIEWS->end_capture()); $this->print_title(); $this->print_body(); } else { print safe "This style is not intended for direct use."; } } function Page::print_title() { # Do not actually *print* anything here, or in overridden instances, just call set_content with windowtitle or title as appropriate. $*SITEVIEWS->set_content("windowtitle",$this->view_title()); } function Page::print_default_stylesheet() { # Do not actually *print* any stylesheets here, but you can $*SITEVIEWS->need_res(...); here to pull in anything. $*SITEVIEWS->need_res( "stc/siteviews/layout.css" ); } function Page::print_theme_stylesheet() {} # ItemRange function ItemRange::print(string{} opts) { if ($.all_subitems_displayed) { return; } var string anchor = $opts{"anchor"} ? "#$opts{"anchor"}" : ""; var string class = $opts{"class"} ? $opts{"class"} : "action-box"; """
"""; print """

""" + lang_page_of_pages($.current, $.total) + "

"; var string url_prev = $this->url_of($.current - 1); """"""; if ($.current != 1) { print " $*comment_page_prev "; } else { print " $*comment_page_prev "; } """ """; foreach var int i (1..$.total) { if ($i == $.current) { "[$i] "; } else { var string url_of = $this->url_of($i); "[$i] "; } if ($i % 10 == 0){ """
"""; } } """
"""; var string url_next = $this->url_of($.current + 1); """"""; if ($.current != $.total) { print " $*comment_page_next "; } else { print " $*comment_page_next "; } """"""; if ( $.url_all != "" ) { """

View All

"""; } "
"; } # IconsPage set text_icons_keyword_sep = ", "; set text_icons_inactive = "[Inactive]"; function IconsPage::print_title() { # Do not actually *print* anything here, or in overridden instances, just call set_content with windowtitle or title as appropriate. $*SITEVIEWS->set_content("title",$this->view_title()); } function IconsPage::print_default_stylesheet() { # Do not actually *print* any stylesheets here, but you can $*SITEVIEWS->need_res(...); here to pull in anything. $*SITEVIEWS->need_res( "stc/allpics.css" ); } function IconsPage::print_body() { var int piccount = 0; if ( size($.icons) == 0 ) { """


"""; if ( $.can_manage ) { "You don't have any icons uploaded. icon_manage_url() + "\">Upload an icon here."; } else { """$.journal hasn't uploaded any icons. You can be notified when $.journal uploads an icon, if you want."""; } } else { """


"""; print "These are the icons for "; print $.journal; print ". "; if ( $.can_manage ) { "Would you like to icon_manage_url() + "\">upload a new icon or edit your icon keywords, comments, and descriptions?"; } else { """We can notify you when this account uploads a new one."""; } """

"""; if ( $.pages.num_subitems_displayed > 6 ) { $.pages->print({ "anchor" => "" }); } """

"""; var int sort_ct = 0; foreach var string k ($.sort_keyseq) { var string text = lang_icon_sortorder_title($k); if ( $k == $.sortorder ) { print safe """$text"""; } else { print safe """$text"""; } if ( (++$sort_ct) < size $.sort_keyseq) { print $*text_default_separator; } } """

"""; foreach var Icon i ($.icons) { $piccount++; if ($piccount % 2 == 1) { """
"""; } $i->print(); if ($piccount % 2 == 1) { } else { """
"""; } } if ($piccount) { if ($piccount % 2 == 1) { """
"""; } } else { } """"""; $.pages->print({ "anchor" => "" }); """
"""; } } # EntryPage Functions set text_post_comment = "Post a new comment"; set text_comment_reply = "Reply to this"; set entry_date_format = "iso"; set text_comment_from = ""; set text_comment_date = ""; set text_comment_ipaddr = ""; set text_comment_link = "Thread"; set text_frozen = "(frozen comment)"; set text_tags = "Entry tags:"; set text_multiform_check = "Select"; set entry_time_format = "short_24"; set comment_time_format = "short_24"; function EntryPage::print_default_stylesheet() { # Do not actually *print* any stylesheets here, but you can $*SITEVIEWS->need_res(...); here to pull in anything. $*SITEVIEWS->need_res( "stc/entrypage.css" ); } function ReplyPage::print_default_stylesheet() { # Do not actually *print* any stylesheets here, but you can $*SITEVIEWS->need_res(...); here to pull in anything. $*SITEVIEWS->need_res( "stc/replypage.css" ); } function Page::print_entry(Entry e) "The meat of each new layout. Describes how each page will look. In nearly all cases, the logic and decision-making processes should come from pre-existing functions in core2, and should not get written here. If you limit the structure of the page to HTML, function calls, and attached CSS, then you will be able to pick up all of the enhancements and accessibility requirements managed by core2." { ## For most styles, this will be overridden by FriendsPage::print_entry and such. $e->print_wrapper_start(); """
\n"""; """
\n"""; $e->print_userpic(); """
\n"""; $e->print_poster(); var string timefmt = $this.timeformat24 ? "short_24" : "short"; $e->print_time( $*entry_date_format, $timefmt ); """
\n"""; """
\n"""; """
\n"""; """
\n"""; $e->print_management_links(); """
\n"""; """
\n"""; """
\n"""; """
\n"""; $e->print_metadata(); $e->print_tags(); """
\n"""; """
\n"""; """
\n"""; """
\n"""; $e->print_metatypes(); $e->print_subject(); $e->print_text(); """
\n"""; """
\n"""; """
\n"""; """\n"; $e->print_wrapper_end(); } function Entry::print_poster { var Page p = get_page(); var string emptyclass = ((($p isa RecentPage and not $p isa FriendsPage) or $p isa MonthPage or $p isa DayPage) and $p.journal.journal_type != "C") ? "empty" : ""; print safe ""; if ($p isa FriendsPage or $p isa EntryPage or $p isa ReplyPage) { print safe "$ ("; $this.poster->print();""") wrote"""; if (not $this.poster->equals($this.journal)) { print safe " in "; $this.journal->print(); } } else { if (not $this.poster->equals($this.journal)) { $this.poster->print(); } } print safe ""; } function Comment::print_poster() { var Page p = get_page(); var string poster = defined $this.poster ? $this.poster->as_string() : "$*text_poster_anonymous"; if ($this.metadata{"imported_from"}) { $poster = "$poster ($*text_openid_from " + $this.metadata{"imported_from"} + ")"; } if ($p isa ReplyPage) { if (defined $this.poster) { print safe "$*text_comment_from $ ($poster) wrote"; } else { print safe "Someone wrote"; } if (not $this.poster->equals($this.journal)) { print safe " in "; $this.journal->print(); } if ( $this.admin_post ) { """("""; $this->print_admin_post_icon(); print safe $*text_admin_post_note; """)"""; } } else { print safe "$*text_comment_from $poster"; if ( $this.admin_post ) { """("""; $this->print_admin_post_icon(); print safe $*text_admin_post_note; """)"""; } print "\n"; } } function EntryPage::print_entry_footer(Entry e) { """
"""; $.comment_pages->print({ "anchor" => "comments", "class" => "comment-pages toppages comment-page-list" }); """
"""; $e->print_interaction_links("topcomment"); } function EntryPage::print_comment_section(Entry e) { "
"; if ( $e.comments.comments_disabled_maintainer ) { """
"""; } $.comment_nav->print({ "class" => "comment-pages toppages" }); $this->print_reply_container({ "target" => "topcomment" }); if ($.comment_pages.total_subitems > 0) { $this->print_multiform_start(); } $this->print_comments($.comments); if ($.comment_pages.total_subitems > 0) { "
"; """
"""; $e->print_interaction_links("bottomcomment"); "
"; } if ($.comment_pages.total_subitems > 0) { $.comment_nav->print({ "class" => "comment-pages bottompages" }); $this->print_reply_container({ "target" => "bottomcomment" }); $this->print_multiform_actionline(); $this->print_multiform_end(); } """
"""; $.comment_pages->print({ "anchor" => "comments", "class" => "comment-pages bottompages comment-page-list" }); "
"; } function EntryPage::print_comments (Comment[] cs) { if (size $cs == 0) { return; } # Iterate over the comment tree structure var Comment c; var Comment[] cs_stack = reverse $cs; while (size $cs_stack) { $c = pop $cs_stack; push $cs_stack, reverse $c.replies; var string parity = $c.depth % 2 ? "odd" : "even"; var int indent = ($c.depth - 1) * 25; "
\n"; "
\n"; if ($c.full) { $this->print_comment($c); } else { $this->print_comment_partial($c); } "
"; } } function EntryPage::print_comment (Comment c) { # ReplyPage and EntryPage work nicest if they output the same structure for printing comments and entries, but this requires to manually change both ReplyPage::print_comment and EntryPage::print_entry. Layout authors can also choose to override separately for different structures. $c->print_wrapper_start(); """
\n"""; """
\n"""; $c->print_userpic(); """
\n"""; $c->print_subject({ "format" => "text" }); $c->print_metatypes(); $c->print_poster(); var string timefmt = $this.timeformat24 ? "short_24" : "short"; $c->print_time( $*entry_date_format, $timefmt ); $c->print_metadata(); print safe """(link)\n"""; $c->print_management_links(); if ($this.multiform_on) { """"""; $c->print_multiform_check(); print safe " "; ""; } if ( $c.comment_posted ) { print safe "
"; } """
\n"""; """
\n"""; """
\n"""; """
\n"""; """
\n"""; $c->print_text(); """
\n"""; """
\n"""; """\n"; $c->print_wrapper_end(); } function ReplyPage::print_comment (Comment c) { # ReplyPage and EntryPage work nicest if they output the same structure for printing comments and entries, but this requires to manually change both ReplyPage::print_comment and EntryPage::print_entry. Layout authors can also choose to override separately for different structures. ## For most styles, this will be overridden by FriendsPage::print_entry and such. $c->print_wrapper_start(); """
\n"""; """
\n"""; $c->print_userpic(); """
\n"""; $c->print_poster(); $c->print_metatypes(); var string timefmt = $this.timeformat24 ? "short_24" : "short"; $c->print_time( $*entry_date_format, $timefmt ); """
\n"""; """
\n"""; """
\n"""; """
\n"""; """
\n"""; """
\n"""; $c->print_subject(); $c->print_text(); """
\n"""; """
\n"""; """
\n"""; """\n"; $c->print_wrapper_end(); } function ReplyPage::print_body { if (not $.entry.comments.enabled) { print safe "



"; return; } if ($.replyto isa Entry) { var Entry e = $.replyto as Entry; $this->print_entry($e); } elseif ($.replyto isa Comment) { var Comment c = $.replyto as Comment; $this->print_comment($c); } """
"""; """\n"; """

Post a comment in response:

"""; $.form->print(); } function EntryPage::print_title() { # Do not actually *print* anything here, or in overridden instances, just call set_content with windowtitle or title as appropriate. $*SITEVIEWS->set_content("windowtitle",$this.journal.username + $*text_default_separator + $this->view_title()); } function ReplyPage::print_title() { # Do not actually *print* anything here, or in overridden instances, just call set_content with windowtitle or title as appropriate. $*SITEVIEWS->set_content("windowtitle",$this.journal.username + $*text_default_separator + $this->view_title()); } # MonthPage Functions function MonthPage::print_title() { # Do not actually *print* anything here, or in overridden instances, just call set_content with windowtitle or title as appropriate. $*SITEVIEWS->set_content("windowtitle",$this.journal.username + $*text_default_separator + $this->view_title()); } function MonthPage::print_body { var MonthDay[] days = $*reverse_sortorder_month ? reverse $.days : $.days; """
"""; $this->print_navigation( { "class" => "highlight-box" } ); """
"""; foreach var MonthDay d ($days) { if ($d.has_entries) { """
"""; print lang_ordinal($; "
"; "\n
"; $d->print_subjectlist(); "
\n"; } } """
"""; } function MonthDay::print_subjectlist() { var Entry[] entries = $*reverse_sortorder_month ? reverse $.entries : $.entries; # Too many tables... var Page p = get_page(); foreach var Entry e ($entries) { $e->print_time("none", ""); $e->print_poster(); $e->print_subject(); $e->print_metatypes(); if ($e.comments.count > 0) { print safe " - " + get_plural_phrase($e.comments.count, "text_read_comments"); } if ($e.comments.screened) { print safe " $*text_month_screened_comments"; } "
\n"; $e->print_tags(); "
\n"; } }